The 2022 CROP Walk Is Soon Here!!!
Hello fellow walkers and supporters of those walkers! It's CROP walk time again and we want you to have all the details you need to make this year's walk a success.
The annual walk will be held Sunday October 16th at 1 o'clock with registration beginning at 12:30. It is sponsored by CWS (Church World Service) and the Annville Counsel of Churches. The event is held to raise funds for people in need around the world and right here in Lebanon County. Our church has been a part of the walk for many years and our participation has been instrumental in raising a fairly large amount of money over that time. Please consider joining us as a walker and if you can't, please sponsor someone who is walking. And once again I will say if you can't walk the day of the event, walk when you can and that works for us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you.
Don't forget to check out the website where you can register to raise funds online and see exactly how the funds we raise are put to good work to help people in need. Go to:
Thank you for all your hard work and efforts to help make the walk successful year after year and may God richly bless you!
Your walk coordinators
Homer and Dianna Wampler