Bible Studies & Small Groups
Via Zoom or in the Library
Sunday School
Sunday @ 9am on Zoom and in the library. Contact the church office for the zoom link
Select either Facebook Live or YouTube Live to join us live and watch past services.
Join In
We would love to have you contribute to the service! E-mail a recording of you performing special music, gathering music, a children’s message, or scripture to Additional choir, children’s choir, and ukulele choir opportunities are coming soon—watch for an email!
The ministry of the church continues even when we are unable to gather. Please mail your envelope to the church (495 E. Maple Street, Annville, PA 17033) or tithe online:
Stay In Touch
If you need anything, please contact the church (717-867-2972), your deacons, Pastors Paul and Brandy, and our Facebook page. We also invite you to share Joys, Concerns & Announcements below: