Protecting Our Youth...
God embraces children with love, placing their nurture and care in our hand. We believe that children should be safe from all form of abuse and neglect. We, the church, will be advocates for children and establish clearly defined safeguards, policies and procedures for their protection.
We recognize the seriousness and sinfulness of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. This type of mistreatment violates the very image of God. It causes serious damage to the soul, body and spirit of the one abused. It also causes harm to the soul and spirit of the abuser. If abuse does occur, we will seek and support healing measures for all in need.
Our mission is to provide an environment for our children which is safe from all forms of abuse. To be both effective and successful in these efforts, the entire congregation must understand and embrace the policies which will lead to this goal.
Our Policy
Please note: our child protection policy is currently being revised to comply with 2018 updates to the Pennsylvania State law. Revisions will be posted here as they are made.
Application Process
A PA State Police Background Check and Child Abuse History Check are required by the state of Pennsylvania for working with youth. If you have your Child Abuse Protection and Background check information through your employer, please see that the church office or Mike Fair gets a copy to be placed in our files. If not, apply on-line for these two clearances: