Working Together
Pastor Brandy and Pastor Paul Liepelt
We welcome our pastoral team of Paul and Brandy Liepelt!
Diane Shearer
Choir Director
Our preaching team in traditional dress during our CENTENNIAL celebration.
Preaching Teams
Annville CoB takes serious the belief in the Priesthood of All Believers (1 Peter 2:5) and incorporates many and varied voices in our services. Services using multiple preachers are not uncommon and present an enlightening way of looking at scripture as it is heard from multiple perspectives.
Special Thanks for 10+ Years of Service!
Jim Beckwith
Former Pastor - Retired, June 2015
James M. Beckwith served as the pastor of our congregation from November 1, 2004 through June, 2015. We extend our heartfelt thanks for 10+ years of service to our congregation, for his 39 years in ministry and Jim's continued work as our denomination's Annual Conference Secretary.