We have received a number of questions about how we’re accomplishing our Live Stream of our Sunday Worship services. We are definitely not experts but are happy to share our approach.
A Quick Overview
Our current setup is centered around a computer running Livestream Studio. Feeding into that computer are two cameras—a Mevo (a 4K camera that is cropped using an iPhone app down to a high-def picture that is then fed to Livestream Studio), a high-def SDI camera for an overall sanctuary shot, a digital feed from our Sound System, and an optional iPhone acting as a remote camera.
Equipment Detail
Mevo Camera ($399) + Boost ($199)
This serves as our primary camera: a 4K camera that is controlled via an iPhone and cropped down to a 1080p region; essentially allow us to “pan” and zoom this fixed camera. We connect it to our wired network using the Mevo Boost.
While we no longer use the Mevo in a standalone configuration, it can operate this way; one Mevo and an iPhone are able to stream directly to Facebook live without needing any other equipment. Initially, we only used this camera and streamed directly to Facebook—this is an excellent low-investment way to start Live Streaming.
High definition camera ($49) + Blackmagic SDI card ($99)
While “panning” and zooming on the Mevo allowed us to create some slick multi-camera effects, we wanted the flexibility of setting up the shot while streaming another feed. To accomplish this, we added a cheap ($50ish) high-definition security camera with an SDI output at the rear of the sanctuary. The SDI signal is fed into a Blackmagic SDI card in our streaming computer.
Livestream Studio ($799) + Computer (about $850)
The core of our setup is our Livestream computer. We purchased the software from Livestream but put it on our own hardware (they sell complete systems at a premium price).
For our computer, we’re using a Dell XPS x8900 (Quad I7, 8GB, 1TB HDD, Geforce 730) which is sufficiently powerful enough to produce a 720p 30fps output. We recommend referring to Livestream’s guidance for selecting a computer, especially if wanting to increase to 1080p or 4k)
Sound System & Projector (existing)
Our sound system was already connected to a computer used for producing CDs of the service and for projecting content via our projector. The Livestream Remote Desktop Client is installed on this computer and digitally transmits the audio of the service and projected content directly to Livestream Studio.
Regarding Audio, Livestream Studio allows us to map the audio from the sound system across all other feeds (i.e. when we switch between the Mevo and the SDI camera, the audio feed remains the same)
Regarding the Projector, we often use LiveStream Studio to superimpose a picture-in-picture view of projected content over the Mevo shot so we can show the pulpit and projector simultaneously.
Lessons & Questions
We generally only have a handful of live viewers but often get many times that throughout the week. We have found that the most common use is travel and when shut-in. The number one comment we get: “It makes me feel connected.”
We had not originally identified funerals as a use-case for our video system but were surprised at the number of requests we’ve had for streaming and recording services. This has turned out to be a top-tier use of our system.
Streaming Platform
We initially only streamed to Facebook Live so as to require viewers to “Like” our Facebook page, affording a base level of privacy and security. However, as interest in the stream has expanded, we have expanded to YouTube to address viewers who do not have a Facebook account. Both platforms are free.
Privacy Concerns
All of our camera shots are from the rear, showing only backs of heads, unless someone is facing the congregation. While some concerns were expressed initially, we have experienced no issues with this configuration. During Joys & Concerns, a stock video and still image are streamed without any live audio, preventing any confidential content from going out on the stream.
Audio Quality
Audio quality was our number one complaint with our original Mevo-only streaming solution (Our Mevo used only ambient sound). Connecting the live sound feed from our sound system to Livestream Studio was key to achieving decent audio quality. While we do this digitally using the free Livestream Remote Desktop Client, another option is to directly connect the analog audio feed to the Livestream computer. Note that we do provide a slightly different mix to Livestream Studio versus our house speakers as we attempt to capture more ambient / congregation sounds on the Livestream (for example, congregational singing needs to be captured on the stream but not amplified for the house speakers)
We recommend checking with your license provider and adding their streaming add-on (for example CCLI Streaming)
We were able to assemble our full streaming system for about $2,700 through a phased approach. Our initial setup cost approximately $299 for a promotionally-priced Mevo plus a donated used iPhone-—anybody can start with this and simply add on.
Everybody asks if we make DVDs…until you ask them how they play it on their phone, tablet or modern laptop—all of which lack DVD players…. In general, we have found online archiving on Facebook and YouTube to be fully sufficient. However, for special services, such as funerals or weddings, we do produce DVDs. Livestream Studio is configured to record an MP4 of every service. We use DVD Flick + ImgBurn to burn this MP4 onto a DVD with a menu. Custom-printed DVDs ($0.89/ea) from MediaXpress allow us to create that “professional” look.
But…how do I just get started!?
Method 1 - A Mevo (better production quality, more flexibility, a bit more expensive)
Get an old iPhone and install the Mevo app
Hand everything to an enterprising teenager and have them set it up with Facebook.
You’re online!
Method 2 - Facebook Live or Youtube Live from a phone (cheap and easy!)
Set up a Facebook or Youtube account and follow the Facebook Live or Youtube Live instructions to stream from a phone.
Consider some accessories like a phone tripod or a phone stabilizer.
…and then, when folks start asking for DVD’s, to see the projector up close, for better audio quality (and so forth), pick up Livestream Studio and start adding pieces.
Video Conferencing / Zoom
We make use of Zoom for video conferencing and have a Polycom Studio Audio/Video USB Soundbar attached to an Intel NUC NUC6CAYH computer and wall-mounted flat-screen TV. We fond the Polycom Studio to have exceptional audio quality throughout the room; participants sitting at the far corner of the room sound as close and as clear as those sitting next to the Polycom Studio. Unlike some all-in-one devices, this configuration relies on a standard computer running Zoom and will work with any Windows-based video-conferencing solution such as Google Meet. Advice we were consistently given was make sure you have good audio quality—we are extremely pleased with the Polycom Studio.